Saturday, September 1, 2007


01'55 so it is named

I deleted all the i's in my story
I listen to Tom Waits for the first time in the early morning
The naked self writes

Tom Waits sings, “hope I don't fall in love with you because it makes me a little blue”
Doesn't it?
Have I not had the same thought?
I'd rather not love, so I declared, proud and loud
I'd hate to hurt and be hurt
Time and again

I looked for his presence
I wanted him to be right here right now
Miss right here right now
The joke was told
The night went on without sparkles in my eyes
The night dragged on

I needed water to survive
I needed not you

The door bell rings when I write
The very moments of vulnerability
I'd rather not answer
I've never answered, in the presence of the naked self
Couldn't you, my very own stranger at the door, not have understood?

My darling, my darling,
Tom Waits is singing
How do you scheme love?